Charlotte, NC (Fall 2017)
M. Stahl, W. Irving, T. Jones, C. Lamb, X. Li, J. Moore, K. Morrow, L. Pape, C. Polekar, D. Powell, R. Sonsakia, H. Valmeti, W. Tan

Exhibited at Charlotte Trolley Powerhouse Studio
The Charlotte Railyard will be a new neighborhood that heals a gap in the urban fabric of the City of Charlotte.
Located just six blocks northeast of Uptown, the 210 acre site with its two light rail stations will be a model for transit-oriented development while providing a vibrant, safe, and healthy place to live, work, and play.
The development will feature a mix of residential, retail, office, educational, and hotel space, as well as over 26 acres of park space, and a redesign of Tryon Street. Creating a connection between Uptown Charlotte, Lockwood, and the thriving neighborhood of NoDa, the Rail Yard development will include:
● complete streets with wide sidewalks, protected bike lanes, pedestrian wayfinding signage, bicycle share and repair stations, and more that promote the use of active transportation methods and increase the health of residents and visitors of the area;
● vibrant and activity-filled spaces that promote com munity engagement so that Charlotteans of all ages and abilities can participate in public life;
● a mix of land uses within a close proximity so that Charlotteans can live, work, and play in a neighborhood without the need for an automobile;
● the preservation of a large portion of the natural vegetation of the site, the addition of thousands of new trees, the incorporation of rain gardens, and the decreased amount of automobile pollutants will all help improve the environmental health of the area.